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Selling a “special car” for a “special cause”

Toni Diamond was a New Jersey Realtor who began dog rescue by donating a percentage of her commissions in real estate sales towards saving dogs and then finding them homes. Combining her business of finding people homes, she began networking to find dogs homes as well. So, the term “saving one dog at a time” applied to her way of rescue.

But, after over forty years in the real estate business, Toni retired and continued her passion in the business of rescue by establishing her nonprofit, Diamond Dogs Rescue, Inc.

With that move, finding money to continue became a matter of needing to solicit donations to fund the many expenses of dog rescue. Standard medical needs, emergency medical needs, boarding, transport and supplies soon drained what funds were available. Toni needed a boost to keep her business afloat while she worked on developing a network of supporters and organizing fundraisers. That’s when she decided that the car she had owned and loved for over 45 years was the one thing that could catapult her rescue work to help her get started.

” The decision to sell “my baby” was not made lightly. I struggled with the reality of losing something that was special to me. This car had been with me for more than HALF OF MY LIFE. Could I really do this?”

“But, I soon realized that these unwanted dogs, whose owners had simply disposed of them- these dogs who were neglected, abused and abandoned were just as special in my life. And so I came to terms with letting my 1962 Chevrolet Corvett” go.

Toni said she still misses the car that she loved, but has never regretted making that decision. “I cried as I watched it being driven from my home and my life…….but, no time for sorrow, I needed to call the shelter and get some dogs saved.”

That car was special. But, there’s no doubt her rescue work is just as special.